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Party products

Businesses are always looking to become more competitive, which sometimes implies compromising the quality and safety of their own products.


Products of poor quality can result in a party that's left you in agony and even disappointment. Risks, in turn, are various and include potential physical injury and ingestion of hazardous substances which can go unseen.

Do you know if your product is safe?


There are hidden dangers in products that look pretty and appealing, especially to children.


Take the time to go through products of interest and feel free to ask us about any products that you feel would benefit other consumers by being on this site. Just hit the 'contact us' button below:

& Party Poppers

Get some tips on how to purchase and use confetti & party poppers responsibly.

Face Paint
& Glitter

Learn how to choose and safely wear face paint & glitter without

damaging your health.


Want to avoid disappointments? 

A quick visual assessment goes a long way!


Shopping for a new mask to complete your costume?

Here's some advice...


Candles are not toys! Learn the

basics before purchasing

and using them.

Grey Zones

Understand the dangers involved with items that may appear to be toys - but are actually not toys.

There are thousands of products in the marketplace for all ages and occasions. But product quality can be a minefield.

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